[Upcoming: June 5th] Instant Payments Orchestration: An Essential Tool Now for Lending and Factoring

In today’s on-demand economy, instant payments are moving from a nice-to-have to a must-have. In the small business space, in particular, you are often dealing with people who need their money immediately. Whether it is to pay a supplier for a big new contract or to fix a broken machine, small business owners don’t have time to wait for loan proceeds or for an invoice payment to hit their bank account.

The good news is that there are many choices today that enable fintech lenders and factoring companies to disburse funds instantly. The bad news is that implementing these options is not a trivial matter. But what a difference it can make when a small business gets their money in their account just a minute or two later.

In this webinar, our panel of experts will discuss how a real-time payments program can help boost the bottom lines for fintech lenders and factoring companies by providing end users with more immediate control of their cash flow. We will share examples of the impact a real-time disbursement program can bring and why payment choice matters when it comes to selecting a real-time payments program. Some of the talking points to be discussed: – How a real-time payments program works and the different use cases – The biggest challenges to implementing such a program – The risk management and compliance issues that must be considered – Why partnering with a provider for instant disbursements is better than building direct integrations. – What the future holds for instant disbursements with the increasing expectations around real-time payments.