How to speak the Loyalty Love Language of the CFO

4-Part Wiser Loyalty Series with Let’s Talk Loyalty™ on Loyalty Finance

Each month in the Wiser Loyalty series, Loyalty Academy™ senior faculty members Bill Hanifin and Aaron Dauphinee highlight a theme based on the courses required to earn the Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional™ (CLMP™) designation, the community of which is nearing 1,000 individuals across 53 countries worldwide.

During this past month, the topic was financial planning for loyalty programs, with source material coming from The Loyalty Academy™ course 105: Loyalty Financial Modeling.

If you want to pass the credibility test with your CFO and win the budget you seek in the process, then you will benefit from listening to these 4 short podcasts. We cover the ecosystem of considerations needed to create a solid financial plan for your customer loyalty initiative.

Among the highlights, you will hear about:

  • The Black Box of Loyalty Finance
  • The Check Digit questions you should be asking
  • How to create Sustainable Loyalty
  • The importance of Cross-Functional collaboration

We hope this podcast series brings the topic of Loyalty Finance to life for you and we would love to hear your feedback on experiences you have had that add to this conversation.

Episode Summary

#544: Setting Strong Loyalty Financial Foundations

What are the most foundational considerations for brands who are loyalty program operators to think through to be on sound financial footing?  What essentials must you have to break through the “black box” of loyalty finance?

#547: Winning the CFO’s Heart in Loyalty Finance

What assumptions matter most for your financial model? How can you create an assumption set that will pass the credibility test with your CFO, winning the budget you seek in the process? Learn about the “check digit” questions you must ask to make sure your model will pass the toughest tests with your stakeholders.

#550: Practice Checking for Sanity to Sustain Your Program

In our language, Sustainable Loyalty means working to ensure that your investment in planning and modeling is rewarded by a program that stands the test of time. Learn the important “sanity check” questions you should ask to test your work and create the measurement dashboard you need to keep the CFO at ease.

#553: Adventures in Loyalty Financials – Sharing some good, bad, and ugly

Wrapping up the month-long conversation on Loyalty Finance, we share real-life examples from work with clients that tie together all the concepts shared. We illustrate key planning steps and reemphasize the need to work cross-functionally to have the best chance of creating a sustainable program structure.