Debunking PR Myths: Understanding the True Scope of Public Relations in Ad Tech

Public Relations is a cornerstone of any ad tech company’s communication strategy, vital for shaping and maintaining a positive image in a competitive and rapidly evolving industry. In the ad tech landscape, where innovation and adaptation are key, PR goes far beyond securing media coverage. It includes managing community relations, handling crises, planning events, creating video campaigns, internal communications and leveraging social media strategies.

This article delves into the multifaceted nature of PR within the ad tech sector, from its role in managing reputations to its influence on customer loyalty and brand awareness. By debunking common myths about PR, we aim to provide clarity and real-world examples to help you understand the true significance and breadth of this dynamic profession.

Myth 1: PR is just about getting media coverage

Although media reporting is an important part of PR, it encompasses much more. PR is also about community relations, crisis management, event planning, video campaigns, internal communications and social media strategies. A good example is how the ad tech company Criteo uses PR to highlight its innovations in personalized retargeting.

Criteo organizes employee summit events, participates in panel discussions and launches video campaigns showcasing its commitment to improving online advertising efficiency. This goes beyond just press releases and helps the company connect with its target group and effectively communicate its brand values. For ad tech startups, leveraging such comprehensive PR strategies can establish a solid foundation for brand identity and growth.

Myth 2: PR is only for large corporations

Small businesses and startups in the ad tech industry can also benefit significantly from PR. Local media outreach, industry events and social media engagement are cost-effective ways to increase awareness. Small businesses can boost their digital profile by sharing blog posts and videos on social media. This is an affordable way to build positive brand awareness and create new connections.

An excellent example is the startup Vidsy, a software designed to build compelling video-based ads. In addition to their tech, Vidsy also offers help with creative strategy and currently works with 5,000 creators in 70 different countries. By collaborating with influencers and executing effective social media campaigns, they have managed to gain visibility and build their brand awareness through targeted PR initiatives.

Myth 3: Paid PR/Sponsored content is not real PR

Paid PR and sponsored content are legitimate tools within a broader PR strategy. These paid efforts can complement organic PR, increase reach and effectively target specific audiences. Sponsored articles, collaborations with influencers and paid placements are examples of such strategies.

A good example is a sponsored article by adtech company PRNEWS.IO in collaboration with IBTimes, which highlighted the startup’s strategic expansion into the Asian market. The article covered PRNEWS.IO’s incorporation of a wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong, detailing how this move aims to facilitate sales in the region. This initiative increased PRNEWS.IO’s visibility and effectively targeted a specific audience interested in market expansions and financial operations. By combining paid and organic PR, ad tech companies can maximize the impact of their brand and deliver their message more effectively.

Myth 4: PR results are immediate

PR can be seen as a long-term investment that takes time to pay off. Consistency and patience are essential aspects of building relationships and managing brand reputation. While it’s tempting to expect quick results in a world of instant gratification, PR is a complex field. The process of a PR campaign involves multiple phases, such as research, strategic development, implementation and evaluation. Results range from short-term media attention to long-term changes in brand perception and customer loyalty.

A good example of this is Airbnb‘s social media campaign, “Belong Anywhere.” Since launching in 2014, Airbnb has consistently invested in telling its users’ stories and building a community through social media. This long-term effort has contributed to a strong brand image and global brand recognition. Ad tech companies should take note of the value of sustained PR efforts.

Myth 5: PR is manipulation

Ethical PR practices focus on transparency and building trust. Effective PR is not about manipulating the truth, but about communicating honestly and openly. This includes crisis management that prioritizes honesty and transparent communication strategies.

A notable example is Zenefits, a SaaS platform for HR management, which faced a major PR crisis in 2016 when it was revealed that many of its employees were selling insurance without proper licenses. In response, the startup’s board quickly fired the CEO and Founder, Parker Conrad, and appointed David Sacks as the new CEO. Sacks promptly apologized to customers and outlined the steps the company would take to rectify the situation. Despite the initial media frenzy and subsequent layoffs of over 45% of its workforce, Zenefits demonstrated a strong commitment to change. This approach has earned the company praise over time, illustrating that transparency and decisive action can help rebuild a tarnished brand.

Myth 6: No story means no need for PR

Even without a big story, there are always PR opportunities. Newsjacking is a method where you use trending news to bring your brand into the conversation. Thought leadership involves publishing articles or whitepapers on industry trends to establish your brand as an authority. Community engagement emphasizes ongoing involvement in the community or small initiatives that reflect the company’s values.

HubSpot, a leading growth platform, has grown immensely over the past decade by creating valuable content and stories around their products. They produce educational materials, webinars and blog posts that address industry challenges and provide solutions. By consistently providing value and engaging their audience, HubSpot has established itself as an authority in the marketing and sales industry. Ad tech startups can learn from this by consistently finding angles to engage and educate their audience.

Myth 7: The impact of PR can’t be measured

Modern tools and metrics can indeed measure PR’s impact. Measurements such as media coverage analysis, social media metrics, brand sentiment analysis, website traffic and lead generation make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of PR efforts.

For example, tools like Google Analytics can track website traffic and conversions resulting from PR campaigns. Social media monitoring tools provide insights into engagement and brand awareness. By using these metrics, ad tech startups can determine and optimize the ROI of their PR strategies.


Public relations is a versatile field that goes beyond just media reporting. Debunking common PR myths reveals the depth and diversity of its impact on organizations of all sizes.

Ad tech companies can benefit from a well-rounded PR strategy, and with modern measurement tools, the effectiveness of PR campaigns can be accurately evaluated, ensuring that they can continuously refine their approaches and achieve long-term success.