Protect the house from fraud, not just the front door

Many security companies can lock your front door, but DataVisor co-founder and CEO Yinglian Xie said focusing on every area of the house is a much more effective strategy for fighting fraud. DataVisor combines applied machine learning capabilities, investigative workflows and an intelligence network of more than four billion accounts to provide real-time fraud signals, […]

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Innovating Customer Experience in the Face of Digital Fraud

In the rapidly evolving fintech landscape, the imperative to keep innovating the customer experience while combating digital fraud has never been more critical. AtData’s recent white paper, “Secure Yet Seamless: Innovating Customer Experience in the Face of Digital Fraud,” offers valuable insights and strategies for businesses grappling with this challenge. This article delves into the […]

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Boathouse Survey: CEO Perception of CMO Performance and Marketing Is Improving

According to Boathouse’s third annual “CEO Survey on Marketing and the CMO” published this week, CEOs’ perception of CMO performance and marketing is shifting to a more favorable one. For instance, the study, which polled 150 CEOs from U.S. public and private companies across 17 industries, shows that 51 percent of CEOs now believe the […]

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2024 Edelman Trust Barometer: Rapid Innovation Leads to Public Distrust and Polarization

Edelman released its 2024 Trust Barometer, an annual survey examining societal indicators and trends that influence the public’s trust in government, business, media and NGOs. The data shows that more people feel innovation is being poorly managed, regardless of respondents’ age group, income level, gender or country. Read about the survey’s main points in coverage […]

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The Case for Mandatory Profile Verification to Build Trust and Credibility on Social Networks

Since the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas in 2023, misinformation and disinformation has increased rapidly across major social platforms. Sadly, opportunism often follows tragedy, and bad actors are eager to distort the public’s view of what’s really happening. This creates great challenges for not only media consumers, but media-oriented professionals in PR and […]

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Adobe Chief Brand Officer Talks Experiential Strategy at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival

For a creative brand like Adobe, Sundance Film Festival is a hot-spot in a cold spot to reach filmmakers and creatives that utilize the brand’s tools daily to deliver works of cinematic art. Over the last 13 years as a lead sponsor, Adobe has leveraged the festival as a platform to merge product announcements with […]

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Real-Time Pay-to-Card: Insights from the Visa webinar

This week we hosted a fascinating webinar on real-time payments with Justin Zhao, Head of Visa Direct Global Partnerships and Sales and Zack Levine, VP of Sales, US, We explored the current real-time payments landscape and why pay-to-card is gaining traction in an increasingly competitive market. Here are some of the key takeaways from […]

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Economic Trends Threaten the Future of Credit Card Loyalty Programs

4 Trends That Could Chart the Course for Credit Card Rewards Credit card rewards programs are facing serious challenges in 2024 and beyond. Ongoing economic uncertainty is impacting the expectations consumers set for their favorite loyalty programs, with credit card rewards programs experiencing a unique set of headwinds. The cocktail of trends in the mixer […]

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Fintech One-on-One: Andrew B. Morris, Chief Content Officer and Curt Persaud, Co-Founder & CTO of Fintech Islands on Caribbean fintech

Enjoying our podcasts? Don’t miss out on future episodes! Please hit that subscribe button on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or your favorite podcast platform to stay updated with our latest content. Thank you for your support! When you think of cutting-edge fintech you probably don’t think about the Caribbean. But some interesting developments are happening there that we should all […]

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Fintech Nexus Newsletter (January 19, 2024): FedNow making progress but some big banks are hesitant

We had an update from the Federal Reserve on FedNow this week. There are now 400 banks participating in the instant payments network as either a sender or receiver. They launched last July with 35 institutions and have been growing steadily since then. The last public statement that I have heard was when FedNow chief, Mark Gould, […]

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