Expanding Business Revenue Streams with a Fintech Podcast

[Editor’s note: I recently appeared on the Podcast Gurus podcast, where I talked about podcasting and how it has impacted our business. My interviewer, Guillaume Jouvencel, penned this article about our discussion.]

The Fintech industry is constantly evolving, and podcasts are a great way for people in the industry to share ideas and build a community.

Peter Renton, Co-founder and Chairman of Fintech Nexus, discussed on Podcast Gurus by GHA Marketing how podcasting has been instrumental in expanding his business since 2013.

His fintech podcast, initially focused on peer-to-peer lending, now reaches over 225,000 industry professionals annually, providing industry leaders with valuable knowledge and inspiration.

Evolution of the Fintech Podcast

From Blog to Fintech Podcast

Peter Renton started his journey with a blog in 2010, focusing on peer-to-peer lending. The success of his blog and the popularity of his first fintech event inspired him to launch a podcast in 2013.

The podcast offered a new platform to connect with a broader audience and promote his events more effectively.

Key Motivations Behind the Fintech Podcast

Peter had several motivations for starting his podcast:

  • Audience Reach: Podcasting was gaining popularity, providing an excellent way to reach more people and drive traffic to his blog and conferences.
  • Revenue Generation: The podcast served as a marketing tool, offering exclusive event discounts and tracking ticket sales, significantly boosting event revenue.
  • Global Impact: By catering to international listeners, especially in the UK and China, Peter expanded his podcast’s reach and influence.

Types of Events and Business Models

Expanding Event Offerings

Initially, Peter’s events were one-day, in-person gatherings focused on online lending. As his podcast audience grew, he expanded to international events in London and China.

Promotion through his blog drove ticket sales and sponsorships, solidifying his events’ financial success.

Maintaining Consistency and Growth

To ensure consistent audience engagement, Peter created blog posts for each podcast episode.

This strategy enhanced SEO, making his content more discoverable and attracting new sponsors. His blog posts remain among the most viewed on his site.

Challenges and Evolution in a Fintech Podcast

Overcoming Early Challenges

Maintaining a podcast requires consistency and resource management. In the early stages, producing episodes regularly while managing other business responsibilities was challenging for Peter.

However, his commitment to quality and strategic guest selection helped him stand out in a crowded market.

Adapting to Competition in the Fintech Industry

As the fintech podcast space grew, Peter diversified his content beyond peer-to-peer lending to cover broader topics like payments and fraud. This adaptation kept his podcast relevant and engaging.

Economic Dynamics of In-Person Events and Webinars

Leveraging In-Person Events

In-person fintech events generate revenue primarily through ticket sales and sponsorships.

High ticket prices and lucrative sponsorship packages, such as exhibition spaces and track sponsorships, contribute to strong profit margins.

Transition to Webinars

Webinars have become essential for digital engagement and revenue generation.

By offering sponsors a set number of guaranteed leads, webinars provide substantial revenue opportunities. This digital shift has become crucial, especially during the pandemic.

Strategic Pricing and Lead Valuation

Setting the Right Price

Valuing webinar leads accurately is essential for optimizing revenue.

In high-value sectors like corporate treasury, higher initial prices reflect the premium nature of the information offered. Strategic discounting helps stimulate demand without devaluing the service.

Leveraging Lead Generation

A strong email list is essential for achieving guaranteed lead numbers.

Additionally, incorporating paid advertising helps ensure that sponsors receive the anticipated value from their investment, thereby maximizing revenue potential.


Peter Renton’s fintech podcast exemplifies how digital media can drive business growth.

By leveraging podcasting for SEO, promoting events, and generating leads, Peter has created a sustainable revenue model.

His strategic approach to pricing and content adaptation ensures continued relevance and success in the ever-evolving fintech landscape.