The best fintech meetings program is at Fintech Meetup

What sets Fintech Meetup apart from every other fintech conference is their meetings program. I participated in it last year and I couldn’t believe how smoothly it all went. This, despite the fact that they completed something like 30,000 meetings.

When I walked into the main meetings room with 700+ tables the energy was palpable. There was a dull roar that arose in the room as several hundred conversations happened at once.

But most important, these conversations were useful and, in many cases, resulted in new long-term business relationships.

The reason these meetings are so powerful is because of the ease with which you can find the people who are most important to you. 

You must register by February 5 to take part in the meetings program

Here is the deal. While the event is happening March 3-6 to be included in the meetings program you must purchase your ticket by February 5th. This is a firm deadline.

Once that deadline has passed the work begins. All attendees will complete the following actions with enough time given to easily complete each step:

  1. Complete your profile and confirm your available times.
  2. Select who you want to meet.
  3. Opt-in to the meeting requests you have received.
  4. Accept meetings.

Everyone is on a shared timetable and when thousands of people complete these steps it will be easy to find exactly the people you want to meet.

Then when you get to Vegas you will have a full meetings calendar.

One important point to note: the meetings do not conflict with any of the agenda content, there are several time slots dedicated just for meetings.

Time is running out to get your ticket. Use our discount code NXGA2995 (click here to automatically apply the discount) to receive $500 off the full ticket price. And make sure you do this by February 5th so you can take part in the meetings program.